Wednesday 26 May 2010

Report from Convocation 2007

Convocation started this year with a very important question.  Did we have time to find a pub for lunch before the first meeting started?  The answer was just barely.
            We eventually arrived at Swanwick Conference Centre with enough time to sign in and sit down.  This year, there were 15 clergy and 36 lay delegates in attendance.  We then got through the first session (covering registration, roll call, rules and formal letters) with no problems, had a cup of tea and a nice shortbread biscuit, then got back to business and got a long way through the reports for the year book, to which a few amendments had to be made.  Luckily for us, we then broke early for dinner to give us time to settle in to our rooms before our next supply of food.  So far, so good.
            Dinner was roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding.  According to John, one of the best meals we’ve ever had here.  I didn’t like the vegetables…  There was a service of Evening Prayer after dinner, which included the Convocation Charge by Bishop Ken, where we were charged to climb ladders, and check we were all headed in the right direction.  This was followed by a trip to the bar where we all had a chance to socialise and catch up with people we hadn’t seen since last year.  It was also a chance for me to beat Dad 2-1 at pool.
            The next day, morning prayers were held at 7:45am.  I did not go.  Breakfast was followed by more business; during this session we elected Bishop Ken as Primus again, Bishop Paul was almost made Treasurer but Dad was instead (before he told us what the quotas would be this year…) and all the other officers were also elected.  Various other committees were also built.  Dad started going through the accounts just before lunch, where he emphasised the need to cut costs where possible.  It wasn’t until after lunch, when we all had some sustenance in us and we were all sitting down, when Dad told us the quota had to be increased from £500 to £900.  Surprisingly, the new quota was passed with only four people voting against.
            Following Dad’s speech, the remaining year book reports were agreed and we were informed that there would be training sessions to look at in more detail what people actually wanted from their services and to explain which bits were necessary.  This would lead in time to the production of a range of traditional and contemporary liturgical services.
            This session was followed by a teaching session entitled Iraq: Land of the Bible, Land of the Church.  Unfortunately, I didn’t make this as I was too busy talking.  Instead, I took the time to bring my report from Convocation up to date.
            After the break came another lovely dinner, the best bit being the pudding.  I had Mom’s too.  This was followed by the Holy Communion service, the honour of preaching the Convocation Sermon this year falling to Rev Dr Gordon Wearing and was based on 1 Corinthians.
            There was time after the service to once more retire to the bar, to socialise.  This time Dad had the pleasure of beating me 2-0 at pool.  Apart from that, it was quite a fun evening.  Then, to bed.
            Not much happened on the Wednesday.  We got through the rest of the reports, elections and even finished the motions.  The only thing left was to approve the final minutes, which would be done Thursday morning.  Job done!  There  was another good meal, then the evening service was lead by Rev George McGeagh.  Sadly, I didn’t make the service, I was too busy talking in the bar…
            On Thursday, we just had the costs of Convocation presented followed by a short devotional service, then just the minutes to check before having our photo taken.  If only I had a toga…
            We then went for lunch before saying our goodbyes.  Again, another Convocation that could be the best yet.  There may be fewer of us, but it’s quality that counts.

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